Instrument Details:
Make : LemnaTech, Germany
Model: Customised
The Greenhouse Scanalyzer Plant-to-Sensor platform continuously monitors of plants under controlled conditions without human intervention. Plants are transported by conveyers through a series of imaging cabinets, each cabinet hosting a different sensor, to capture multiple data points per plant per run. Conveyer systems can harbour variable numbers of plants, ranging from small versions for few plants up to large installations for several hundreds of plants. Equipped with Visible, IR and NIR Imaging, Conveyor belts and plants grown in 240 pots at a given point of time can be assessed; In each imaging cabinet, a turning system can rotate the plants to capture images horizontally from all sides, together with a camera from above. This results in comprehensive quantitative data about phenotypic traits of the plants that refer to development, physiology and environmental responses. Other system options include precise automatic watering and weighing.
Contact Us:
The Director, ICAR-NIASM
Email: director.niasm@icar.gov.in
Tel.: 02112 254057; Fax: 02112 254056
Govt. agencies( Other than NARS) |
others |
₹ 150 per sample per day |
₹300 per sample per day |
₹500 per sample per day |
Note: Minimum 30 days and 150 Sample, Cost are subjected to revision +GST as per applicable |
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