Profile of Dr Dhananjay D. Nangare
Name: Dr. Dhananjay D. Nangare Designation: Principal Scientist (Soil and water conservation Engineering) Date of Birth: 01.06.1970 Area of Specialization: Micro irrigation, Deficit irrigation management for horticulture crops Email Id:; Mobile: +91-9665204895; Phone: 02112-254057, Fax: 02112-254056 |
Professional History
Publications Published more than 20 research papers, 25 popular articles, 02 Books/manuals, 04 technical bulletins and 20 book chapters. h-index 9, i10-index 7 with more than 226 citations in international and national literature. Publications List (10 best)
Technologies/Products/Patents ICAR-NIASM, Baramati
AICRP on APA, ICAR-CIPHET, Abohar, Punjab
Awards and Recognitions
Member of Professional bodies