In commemoration of 75th Azadi ka Amrut Mohostav- A field day on "Management strategies for Bacterial blight and Wilt in pomegranate" was jointly organized ICAR –NIASM, Malegaon, Baramati and ICAR-National Research Centre on Pomegranate, Solapur at ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Malegaon, Baramati on October 21, 2021. The main objective of the programme was to share the technologies from ICAR institutes to the farmers about the most severe diseases in pomegranate (Bacterial blight and Wilt) and their remedial measures.
For this event, Dr. Jyotsana Sharma, Principal Scientist and Dr. Somnath Pokhare, Scientist from ICAR-National Research Centre on Pomegranate, Solapur and two representatives of Kay-Bee exports limited, Phaltan were invited as resource person. Dr. Jyotsana Sharma have given detailed information about how to identify the bacterial blight and wilt in pomegranate with their management strategies. The “six tips to manage bacterial wilt” as preventive strategy is explained to the farmers. Dr. Somnath Pokhare delivered a lecture on Management of Nematode issue in context to wilt in pomegranate. Also, he urged farmers to intercrops like marigold and sunhemp to tackle the nematode issue in pomegranate. Representatives from the Kay-Bee exports limited, Phaltan also explained about their products and work going on at the company to manage diseases in pomegranate. During the address of Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Director, ICAR-NIASM, Baramati highlighted importance of joint efforts research institutes, farmers and private companies will eradicate issues in any commercial crops. He also urged to the farmers to visit ICAR-NIASM for their issues related to agriculture.
The program was attended by farmers of five districts, Scientist, technical staff, research associates and participated in the discussion. The meeting ended with thanks to the participants for their keen interest by Dr. D. D. Nangare. A field visit was also organized to pomegranate orchard with the resource persons to discuss signs, symptoms & management strategies of different diseases and insects. The program was successfully organized by Dr. Vijaysinha Kakade, Dr. D.D. Nangar, Dr Vanita Salunkhe, Dr. Pravin Taware, and Dr. Sangram Chavan along supporting staff (Sonal Jadhav, Sneha Patil, Sagar Khomane, Shital Shinde and Vinayak More).
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