ICAR-National Institute of Inorganic Stress Management, Baramati organized a one-day training program on “Farm pond based Aquaculture: A Business Opportunity” on March 24, 2021 under the Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan 2020-21. On this occasion, Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Director of ICAR-NIASM and Chief Guest of the program briefed the farmers about institute activities and emphasized the importance of fish farming business and need to learn newer technologies in fish farming.. He assured the farmers that all the required technical assistance would be provided by the institute for fish farming. Dr. Sharad Surnar, Aquaculture Expert, Pune provided guidance on artificial feed management and Pradhan Mantri Matsya-Sampada Yojana. Mr. Mukesh Bhendarkar, Training Coordinator, guided the farmers on various topics such as commercially important fish species, freshwater aquaculture, management methods for modern aquaculture, GIFT tilapia. Dr. Nitin Kurade, Principal Scientist and Chairman, Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan 2020-21, introduced the farmers in detail about the SCSP program and appealed to as many people as possible to take advantage of the scheme. On this occasion, Technical bulletin was released entitled “मत्स्य संवर्धन मार्गदर्शिका”. The fish seeds and fish feed was distributed to all the beneficiary trainees under SCSP scheme. All the members of the Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan 2020-21 Committee participated in the event. Vote of thanks was given by D.D. Nangre, I/C Head, SPSR.
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