Shri Sharad Pawar, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) & Former Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare inaugurated the “KRUSHIK - Technology Week - 2021 - Live Demonstrations” on 18/01/2021. The Technology Week was jointly organized by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati, Maharashtra and ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati, Maharashtra. The Technology Week was held at the KVK Instructional Farm, Baramati and ICAR-NIASM, Baramati, Pune, Maharashtrafrom 18th to 24th January, 2021.
In his inaugural address, Shri Pawar urged to focus on the Millets and it’s processing as wheat and paddy yield is high, but the problem of marketing exists. He stressed on the need for processing of grains.
Shri Dadaji Dagdu Bhuse, Minister of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra underlined the planning of the Government of Maharashtra for establishing more than 5,500 nurseries. He stressed that out of this, 50% nurseries will be reserved for the women farmers. The Minister stated that all 4 State Agricultural Universities may come together with the KVK, Baramati, Maharashtra and replicate the Baramati Agriculture Model in the state.
Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) and Director General (ICAR) participated the inauguration through online mode and outlined the implementation of the Drought Action Network Programme in each District of India to manage any drought situation and natural calamities. The Director General emphasized on re-casting and modification of the District Contingency Plan. He stressed that the Drought Forecasting System is developed by the ICAR-CRIDA, but further data should be created. Dr. Mohapatra emphasized that the experiences of NICRA may be useful.
Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Director, ICAR-NIASM presented brief details on engagement of ICAR and the action plan of the ICAR institutes relating to the objectives of the Drought action network Short Presentations were also made by Dr. SD Gorantiwar, Dr. Sachin Nandgude, MPKV, Rahuri; Dr. NG Patil, ICAR-NBSSLUP.
Shri Ajit Pawar, Deputy Chief Minister, Government of Maharashtra; Shri Jayant Patil, Minister for Water Conservation, Government of Maharashtra; Shri Shankarrao Gadakh, Minister for Soil & Water Conservation, Government of Maharashtra, Dr. SK Chaudhari, DDG (NRM), ICAR (online), along with the other senior officials of ICAR Institutes and various Departments of Government of Maharashtra also participated in the event.
Agriculture Technology Week 18-24th January, 2021
This year, the KRUSHIK - Technology Week had focus on Live Demonstrations of agricultural technologies and machineries for farm mechanization, bullock-operated machineries, demonstration of millets, value-addition in pulses and oil seeds, use of hydro gel technology for maize, hydroponic and vertical farming, innovations hub, etc.at KVK and live demonstration of dragon fruit technology, technology for establishing orchards of all fruit crops on shallow basaltic terrain, Climate smart integrated farming system, Conservation agriculture and SORF machine for sugarcane, Livestock and fishery experimental ponds and fish museum, Medicinal and herbal garden, Genetic stock garden etc at NIASM. More than 3000 farmers visited ICAR-NIASM to witness the live demonstrations and the experimental plots during the technology week. Farmers from several parts of Maharashtra visited the event. Arrangements as per covid guidelines were strictly adhered by the organizers and also the visitors. To simplify information dissemination visitors were encouraged to use QR- NIASM app that gives audio-visual information of the various activities carried at the institute.
Krushik 2021: Way guide to ICAR-NIASM Venue
Farmers visit to various live demonstrations at ICAR-NIASM farms and ATIC centre of ICAR-NIASM.
Farmer / Visitors at Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) of ICAR-NIASM
SCSP beneficiaries supported for livelihood through income generation under DAPSC scheme by ICAR-NIASM at Krushik 2021.
ICAR-NIASM under DAPSC scheme supported 10 self-help groups for the food stalls in Krushik 2021. The support provided by institute under this scheme will improve the entrepreneur skills of these SHG members which can help these SHG’s in generating additional source of livelihoods for their families
The Krushik 2021 generated enthusiasm among farmers/ visitors particularly for the abiotic stress management options and technologies amid increasing weather vagaries faced across the country.
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