On site Training cum Demonstration, Swachhta Bharat Pakhwada- 16-31 October 2016
On 26th October, sensitization drive with eating establishment at Nira Guest House, ICAR- NIASM, Baramati and on 27th October, 2016 at Malegaon (Bk) was organized. Onsite training cum demonstration was conducted using portable Vermi-composting unit. At the Institute guest house, cook of the guest house, kitchen staff, Institute Staff including Scientists, Technical Officers, Technical Assistants, Research Fellows and farm staff were sensitized regarding Decentralized Solid Waste Management. Dr. R L Meena, Scientist demonstrated using posters on “खाद अपाशिष्ट प्रबंधन पदानुक्रम” and “कंपोस्टिंग व वर्मीकंपोस्टिंग के द्वारा रसोई के कचरे का प्रबंध”. A portable plastic vermicomposting unit was also exhibited for localized management of biodegradable solid waste generated from hotels, eateries and restaurants. At Malegaon, local hotels, dhaba and wadapav gadiwale participated in the onsite training cum demonstration on decentralized solid waste management.