On 15 March 2022, a group of 60 students from College of Horticulture, Mulde, under Dr. Balasaheb Sawnt Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli visited CRP-CA fields of ICAR-NIASM, Baramati. Dr. G.C.Wakchaure, Senior Scientist and PI of the project, briefed about the project highlighting the three proponents of conservation agriculture, its relevance under climate change scenario, trash management through MRD machine viz., its parts, working principle and benefits. Further, Dr. Aliza Pradhan, Scientist and Co-PI of the project, explained about several benefits of conservation agriculture practices highlighting effect of residue cover on soil health and soil microbial biomass. Mr. Prashant Bhosale, Research Scholar of the project, explained the treatment details of CRP-CA field experiments. The visit and demonstration was followed by an interactive session where students clarified about several aspects of conservation agriculture, trash management, irrigation management in sugarcane and cost effectiveness of MRD machine. The event was coordinated by Dr. G C Wakchaure, Dr. Aliza Pradhan and Mr. Prashant Bhosale of ICAR-NIASM.
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