To celebrate 75 years of India’s Independence, farmers’ awareness campaign on ‘Efficient and balanced use of fertilizers’ was organized at ICAR-NIASM Baramati on 21st June 2022. Dr Himanshu Pathak, Director was the Chief Guest of the function. There were three invited speakers for the function. Dr. Aliza Pradhan, scientist (Agronomy), gave a presentation on ‘Role of fertilizers in supply of plant nutrients, judicious use of fertilizers using 4R approach and importance of organic fertilizers’, emphasizing on the balanced and integrated use of fertilizers for sustainable crop production. Dr Hanamant Halli, scientist (Agronomy), talked on ‘crop residue management’, summarizing that the crop residues should be treated as wealth rather than waste. Dr G C Wakchaure, senior scientist (AS&PE), talked on ‘trash management and machinery for conservation agriculture in ratoon sugarcane cropping system’ where he briefed about the importance of trash management and their in-situ conservation through adoption of different machineries. Dr Himanshu Pathak, in his concluding remarks, mentioned about the role of balanced use of fertilizers as well as nano-fertilizers in increasing food grain production, improving fertilizer use efficiency and reducing environmental pollution for a sustainable agriculture. On the occasion agricultural inputs such as drip fertigation system and flour mills were distributed to the farmers under SCSP scheme (Consortia Platform on Conservation Agriculture).The programme was coordinated by Dr Dhananjay D. Nangare, Dr Goraksha C. Wakchaure, Dr Aliza Pradhan, Dr Hanamant M Halli and Dr Pravin B Taware. About 143 scientists, farmers, students, SRF and YPs and other staff were participated during the event.
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