A short training programme on “Phenomics Perspectives for Application in Improvement of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants” was organized at ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati, Pune. The training programme was conducted from 20th to 29th of July 2017 for researchers largely from National Agricultural System associated with crop improvement across the India. Twenty three participants from 11 states representing 12 ICAR institutes and 11 SAUs were imparted knowledge and skills about plant phenomics in the training. This was accomplished through several lectures and practical classes by experts within the institutes. In addition, there were six online lectures delivered by experts in phenomics from different institute such as CIMMYT, Mexico, Plant Accelerator, Australia, John Innes Centre, and UK, CSIRO, Australia. There was an invited talk on improving drought tolerance in rice by Dr Aravind Kumar, Principal Scientist, IRRI, Manila Philippines.
A scintillating talk was delivered by Dr RK Pal, Director, ICAR-NRC Pomegranate, who was invited as chief guest for the valedictory function on July 29, 2017. While appreciating the efforts made under the leadership of Prof Narendra Pratap Singh, Director of ICAR-NIASM, he urged the participants to make the best use of advances in science for the benefit of farmers. He provided several proven examples of post harvest technologies for fruit and vegetable farmers that could enhance the farmers’ income tremendously. His talk was featured by remarkable innovations in pomegranate value chain. He highlighted the scope for entrepreneurial ventures in this sector and felt that NIASM with its state of art facilities has great potential to deliver the knowledge and skills on abiotic stress management in agriculture.
Prof. Narendra Pratap Singh, Director, NIASM briefed about the institute recent initiatives to carry forward research and academic activities with the state of art facilities in place. He requested the participants to use the knowledge and skills gained from the training in their crop improvement programme and also invited them to establish research collaboration to make the best use of National Phenomics Facility at Baramati. He also informed that NIASM has several training programme in pipeline for national and international researchers, post graduate students and for farmers on various aspects of abiotic stress management in agriculture.
The training programme on phenomics was sponsored by HRD, Education Division of ICAR.
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