Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan is a programme of Government of India, with the objective to promote economic development of scheduled caste families living below the poverty by providing various resources to them. Bamboo has vast potential in contributing to rural poverty reduction. Bamboo artisans belonging to Scheduled Caste community consists mostly of poor marginal families. ICAR-NIASM, Baramati with the aim to provide livelihood support to these families, surveyed the area and identified the beneficiaries. The distribution of inputs in the form of bamboos was carried out under which thirty bamboo artisans’ families were benefitted. The bamboos will be utilized by these artisans to make different finished bamboo products and to generate additional income for their families through the sale. On the same occasion, bicycles were distributed to the agricultural labourers belonging to scheduled caste community. Sixty beneficiary families’ whose main source of income is from working as agricultural labourers were benefitted through this programme. These bicycles will provide cheaper means of daily travel between their homes and workplace besides use in other family activities. Dr Himanshu Pathak, Director, ICAR-NIASM chaired the programme and addressed the beneficiaries regarding the activities of the institute. SCSP Committee lead by Dr NP Kurade and the members namely, Dr DD Nangare, Dr AV Nirmale, Dr SS Pawar, Dr BB Gaikwad, Mr Rajkumar, Mr MP Bhendarkar, Dr Aliza Pradhan, Mr K Ravi Kumar coordinated and conducted the activities. Mr Babul Kumar Sinha (CAO) and Mr Anil Kumar Sidharth (F&AO) participated in the programme. The inputs were distributed to the beneficiaries by the Director, ICAR-NIASM, CAO, F&AO and SCSP Committee. The beneficiaries expressed their appreciation towards the institute for the help extended and the livelihood support provided.
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