ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati organised one day field training cum frontline demonstration of sowing of kharif intercrops viz., soybean and chickpea in late harvested ratoon sugarcane of farmers’ fields at Malegaon, Kh, Baramati on 20.04.2022. About 45-50 sugarcane farmers, scientists, students and visitors were participated in the event. Dr Jagadish Rane, Head (SWSM), ICAR- NIASM highlighted the key mitigation strategies for alleviating the abiotic stresses in sugarcane including conservation agriculture (CA). Dr. GC Wakchaure, PI-CRPCA and Event Coordinator informed about the benefits CA and importance of MRD machine for performing various operations viz., stubble shaving, off-barring/pruning, fertilizers cum seed application in trash retained fields. Dr. Aliza Pradhan, Co-PI and Co- Coordinators explained the benefits of intercropping like soybean for improving nitrogen fixation, soil heath and soil biota in ratoon sugarcane. Dr. Gurmurthy, Scientist informed about summer chickpea which can be an alternative intercrop in ratoon sugarcane. Mr. Prashant Bhosale, Field Assistant, provided all kind of technical support for organizing the event. The farmers appreciated the efforts made by ICAR- NIASM for promoting conservation agricultural practices within the locality in sugarcane cropping system.
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