The ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati, Maharashtra organized a National Webinar on “Climate Resilient Livestock Production: Opportunities and Threats” on November 03, 2020. Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Director, ICAR-NIASM in his introductory remarks gave a brief overview about the climate change and its relationship with livestock sector. Dr. N.P. Kurade, I/C Head SASM, ICAR-NIASM and Convener of the webinar gave a brief overview of webinar and introduction of the invited speakers. The Chief Guest, Dr. B.N. Tripathi, Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR graced the webinar as chief guest. He emphasized on characterization of indigenous animals breeds and their registration. He reiterated need for considering multiple traits in selection process of the animals breeds. Dr. S.S. Honnappagol, Former: Animal Husbandry Commissioner (GOI) & Vice Chancellor, KVAFSU, Bidar delivered lecture on Status, Scope and challenges for livestock production in India wherein he summarized the current status, Scope and challenges faced in livestock production and emphasized the way forward to overcome the challenges. Dr. R.C. Upadhyay, Former Head, Animal Physiology, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal in his address highlighted impact of climate change on livestock production and health. He highlighted the need of more investment in livestock sector. Dr. A. Sahoo, Head, Animal Nutrition, ICAR-CSWRI, Awikanagar presented the detailed nutritional strategies for climate resilient livestock production. Dr. Bagath M., Senior Scientist, ICAR- NIANP, Bengaluru presented the cutting edge biotechnology tools useful in climate resilient livestock production including next generation sequencing, microarray, transcriptomics studies, metagenomics, CRISPER/CAS and biosensors. Dr. S. Gaikwad General Manager, Govind Milk & Milk Products Pvt. Ltd., Phaltan discussed the dairy industry and his experiences in imparting the climate resilience in dairy production through various practical and ground initiatives. The Webinar was aimed to understand status, scope, research gaps in adaptation/ mitigation strategies and possible collaborations with reference to climate resilient livestock production in the country. Dr. Sachinkumar S. Pawar and Dr. Bhaskar B. Gaikwad, (Co-Convenors), contributed in organizing and smooth conduct of the webinar. A total of 220 participants including researchers, academicians, Research fellows, Young Professionals and Students registered for the webinar and about 135 delegates and participants virtually participated in the Webinar.
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