Research Papers: 2012

Jalota, S.K., Kaur, H., Ray, S.S., Tripathi, R., Vashisht, B.B. and Bal, S.K. (2012). Mitigating Future Climate Change Effects by Shifting Planting Dates of Crops in Rice-Wheat Cropping System. Regional Environmental Change, 12(4): 913-922


Mukherjee, J., Bal, S.K., Singh, G., Bhattacharya, B.K., Singh H. and Kaur, P. (2012). Surface energy fluxes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under irrigated ecosystem. Journal of Agrometeorology, 14(1): 16-20


Bansal, K.C., Singh, A.K. and Wani, S.H. (2012). Plastid transformation for abiotic stress tolerance in plants. In: Shabala, S. and Cuin, C.A. (eds.), Plant Salt Tolerance: Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer. 913(4), pp. 351-358.


Choudhary, R.L., Behera, U.K., Rana, D.S., Pathak, H., Balraj Singh, Lata, Man Singh and Karunakaran, V. (2012). Productivity, profitability and resource-use efficiency of wheat and soil health parameters in maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system as influenced by conservation agricultural practices. In: Proceedings (Extended Summaries: Vol. 3) of "3rd International Agronomy Congress on Agriculture Diversification, Climate Change Management and Livelihoods", Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, November 26-30, 2012. pp. 794-795.


Dhanushkodi, R., Govindasamy, V., Lakkineni, V., Bose, P., Sharma, V., and Annapurna, K. (2012). New advances in plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for stress alleviation- Role of bacterial ACC deaminase. In: Proceedings of "VI- International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics" ICRISAT, Hyderabad, October 02-07, 2012.


Fand, B.B. (2012). Modeling the impact of climate change on potential geographic distribution of polyphagous mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis in India. In: Abstract of the "IVth National Symposium on Plant Protection in Horticultural Ecosystems: Emerging Challenges and Sustainable Pest Management", IIHR, Bangalore, India, April 25-28, 2012. pp. 37-38.


Fand, B.B., Kamble, A.L. and Kumar, M. (2012). Will climate change pose serious threat to crop pest management? A critical review International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2(11): 1-15.


Govindasamy, V., Priya George, Rane, J., and Minhas, P.S. (2012). Isolation and screening of bacterial endophytes from drought tolerant sorghum cultivars for plant growth promoting traits. In: Proceedings of "53rd Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) & International Conference on Microbial World: Recent Innovations and Future Trends for Sustainable Development", Bhubaneshwar, November 22-25, 2012.


Maurya, U.K. and Minhas, P.S. (2012). Assessment of Pedogenic Evolution of Zeolites and Associated Minerals at a Representative Site of Baramati, Pune. Abst. P1/18, 51p of National Seminar on 'Managing Land Resources for Sustainable Agriculture' organized by ISSLUP at NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, during October 12-13, 2012.


Minhas, P.S. and Suresh Kumar, P. (2012). Water stress on growth and quality of fruits: Impact and management. In: Kirti Singh, S.K. Singh, Ram Asrey and Jai Prakash (eds.), Abstracts (Invited Papers) of "5th Indian Horticulture Congress 2012: Horticulture for Food and Environment Security" PAU, Ludhiana, November 06-09, 2012. pp. 63.


Minhas, P.S. and Rane, J. (2012). Agronomic approaches for abiotic stress management in wheat, 51st All India Wheat and Barley Research Workers Meeting, SKRAU Regional Station, Durgapura, Jaipur, August 24-27, 2012.


Minhas, P.S. and Suresh Kumar, P. (2012). Water Stress on growth and quality of fruits: Impact and management. In: Chadha, K.L., Singh, A.K., Singh, S.K. and Dhillon, W.S. (eds.), Horticulture for Food and Environment Security, Westville Publishing House, New Delhi. pp. 293-300.


Mukhopadhyay, S.S. Srivastava, R., Singh, M., Mukherjee, J., Sood, A., Bal, S.K. and Amanpreet. (2012). Spectral reflectance from bare soil: coding methodology for small farm situations in tropics. In: Proceedings of the "National seminar on Managing Land Resources for Sustainable Agriculture", Nagpur, India, October 12-13, 2012. pp 97-98.


Rao, D.V.K.N. (2012). Spatiotemporal edaphic stress in gravelly Ultisols of Kerala - A review. In: Compendium of Abstracts of 8th International Symposium on "Plant Soil Interactions in Soils of Low pH", UAS, Bangalore, October 18-22, 2012. pp 334-335.


Rao, D.V.K.N. and Minhas, P.S. (2012). Growing significance of effective soil volume - an important edaphic stress factor in mapping. In: Souvenir and Compendium of National Seminar on Managing Land Resources for Sustainable Agriculture, NBSSLUP, Nagpur, October 12-13, 2012. pp 90-91.


Rao, D.V.K.N., Naidu, L.G.K., Srinivas, S., Vittal, K.P.R. and Minhas, P.S. (2012). NDVI based assessment of regional level abiotic stress. In: Reddy P.K., Patil, V.C., Alagawadi, A.R., Armstrong, L., Reddy, B.B. and Biradar, D.P. (eds.), The Third National Conference on Agro-Informatics and Precision Agriculture 2012, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. pp. 99-103.


Ratnakumar, P. and Bal, S.K. (2012) Effective use of water (EUW) is crucial during pod developemt stage in groundnut under intermittent water stress. In: Abstracts of "National Seminar on Plant Physiology on Physiological and molecular approaches for development of climate resilient crop", Hyderabad, December 12­14, 2012. pp. 66.


Rupambika, Das, Sarkar, B. and Mishra, S. (2012). Anti-microbial and cytotoxic role of chitosan nanoparticle encapsulated plant extracts. In: International Conference on "Microbial World: Recent Innovations and Future Trends", KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, November 22-25, 2012. pp. 81.


Saha, S., Bhattacharya, B.K. and Sahoo, R.N. (2012). Estimating agricultural primary productivity of rabi season in Punjab integrating K1VHRR insolation and MODIS biophysical products using a efficiency based model. In: Proceeding of the Workshop on "Meteorological Satellite Kalpana: a Decade of Service to the Nation", Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad, October 8-9, 2012. pp. A-11.


Saha, S., Bhattacharya, B.K., Padmanabhan, N. and Parihar, J.S. (2012). Evaluation of insolation estimates from Kalpana-1 radiometer using on-farm measurements relayed through its transponder. In: Proceeding of the Workshop on "Meteorological Satellite Kalpana: a decade of service to the Nation", Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad, October 8-9, 2012. pp. A-05.


Singh, N.P., Byjesh, K. and Bantilan, C. (2012). Micro level realities and policy coherence in SAT-Asia: Mainstreaming Strategies for enhancing resilience to climate change at United Nations University (UNU)-WIDER "International Conference on Climate Change and Development Policy", Helsinki, Finland September 28-29, 2012.


Singh, N.P. (2012). Socio-economic issues and livelihood security. In the International Agronomy Conference on "Adaptation to Climate Change in Semi-Arid Tropics" at New Delhi, November 26-30, 2012.


Singh, Y., Dharminder, Singh, V.K., Singh, J.P., Sapna, K. and Jha, C.K. (2012).Effect of INM on agronomic performance of rice under different cultivation systems. In: Abstracts (Poster paper) of „3rd International Agronomy Congress", New Delhi, November 26-30,2012. pp. 812.


Suresh Kumar, P., Minhas, P.S., Govindasamy, V., Choudhary, R.L. and Rajagopal, V.(2012). Influence of abiotic stressors on growth, physiology, productivity and quality of horticultural crops and its mitigation strategies. In: Proceedings of "2nd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences (Agri- 2012)", organized by Omics International, Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India. 14-15 September, 2012.Agrotechnol 1(2): http://dx.doi. 0rg/10.4172/2168-9881.S1.002.pp 38.